Content Layouts

Serving as the foundations of your site, a content layout can greatly impact how communicative and intuitive you are online.



A good content layout is one that is easy to navigate and understand. It should be visually appealing and engaging while highlighting your most important content. Make sure to consider your target audience, the purpose of your website, the content, the navigation and the design when you are planning your content layout.

Put plainly, a good content layout can lead visitors’ focus in the right direction—gravitating them toward what matters most first, and then continue to the following sections in order of significance. A layout can also be used to enhance your design, create interesting interactions and show that you’re up-to-date with web design trends.



choose the right content layout

When approaching the task of choosing a content layout, there are two main factors to take into account:

  • Accommodate your content:
    The layout you choose should be fitting for your type of content. Why? A content layout needs to help tell the story you wish to deliver to visitors. Hence, choose one whose arrangement will enhance and support your message.

    Some types of content layouts are best used for showcasing products or works, making them more suitable for an online eCommerce website or portfolio websites. Others convey factual information quickly and efficiently, and might work better for creating a blog or news platform.

  • Use common layouts:
    While there’s room for creativity, the most well-known, tried-and-tested content layout s are usually the best option. These classic layouts tend to feel familiar to users, as they build on existing expectations, past experiences and the principles of design.


  • 規納內容:


  • 使用通用佈局:

Z-pattern layout

When coming across a new webpage, we immediately glance over it to take in the gist of things. This speedy scan, called skim reading, is often done in the shape of the letter Z or in zig-zag form. Our eyes move from the top left corner to the top right corner, then down to the bottom left, and finally to the right again. The Z-pattern website layout utilizes this reading habit through asymmetry by spreading important information across a Z shape.

當遇到一個新網頁時,我們會立即瀏覽它以了解重點。這種快速掃描稱為略讀,通常以字母 Z 的形狀或之字形進行。我們的視線從左上角移動到右上角,然後向下移動到左下角,最後再次移動到右側。 Z 型網站佈局透過不對稱性將重要資訊分佈在 Z 形上,從而利用了這種閱讀習慣。

Z-pattern layout

F-pattern layout

Much like the Z-pattern layout, this design is also based on a common page scanning behavior. With webpages that are more text-heavy, we tend to skim or read the information in an F shape. This means that the top horizontal part of the page gets the bulk of our attention, and our eyes go vertically downwards from there, with the left-hand side tending to serve as our focal point.

與 Z 圖案佈局非常相似,此設計也基於常見的頁面掃描行為。對於文字較多的網頁,我們傾向於以 F 形瀏覽或閱讀資訊。這意味著頁面的頂部水平部分吸引了我們的大部分注意力,我們的眼睛從那裡垂直向下,左側往往成為我們的焦點。

F-pattern layout

Fullscreen image layout

With an extra large visual placed front-and-center, a fullscreen image layout can result in an eye-catching and immersive homepage design. Large media features can convey a lot about who you are and what you do in as much as a glimpse. The great thing about this layout is that it looks great on mobile devices, too.


Fullscreen image layout

Split screen layout

By vertically splitting the screen down the middle, a split screen layout creates a perfectly symmetrical balance and avoids the presence of negative space. This neat division into two parts allows for each section to express an entirely different idea—or alternatively, to support one idea from two different angles.


Split screen layout

Single column layout

This website layout includes all of its content in one vertical column. It’s a simple, straightforward design. Navigating a single column layout is easy —visitors immediately know to scroll down the page for more information. However, there’s one important website navigation tip to keep in mind using this layout:add a “Back to Top” button or a fixed menu to help users explore your site further.


Single column layout

Box-based layout

The box-based, or grid-based website layout merges multiple pieces of content into one geometric design. With each bit of information neatly constrained into a box, the elements don’t overshadow one another—resulting in a unified look. Each box leads to a different webpage, where users can learn more about the topic they’re interested in most.


Box-based layout

Cards layout

Much like the box-based layout, a cards layout uses multiple boxes or other rectangular-esque containers to display diverse content. This website layout is for the most part non-hierarchical, meaning that no one item truly stands out over the others, and all of the information is treated equally.


Cards layout


When designing a website, it is incredibly important to draft a wireframe first, a mockup if you will, where you’ll mention all the vital website parts, their content, and section placement. Having a ready-to-follow web page design layout will save you time during further development.

Which layout to choose? It depends on the goal you wish to achieve. There are many layout types, each having its own peculiarities and suitable for particular niches.

I hope the article helped you find more website layout ideas and inspiration.

