attribute to bind the input field for validation.
// Define form element
const form = document.getElementById('kt_docs_formvalidation_daterangepicker');
// Init daterangepicker --- for more info, please visit:
autoUpdateInput: false,
element.on('apply.daterangepicker', function(ev, picker) {
$(this).val(picker.startDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY') + ' - ' + picker.endDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY'));
element.on('cancel.daterangepicker', function(ev, picker) {
// Init form validation rules. For more info check the FormValidation plugin's official documentation:
var validator = FormValidation.formValidation(
fields: {
'daterangepicker_input': {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'Date range input is required'
plugins: {
trigger: new FormValidation.plugins.Trigger(),
bootstrap: new FormValidation.plugins.Bootstrap5({
rowSelector: '.fv-row',
eleInvalidClass: '',
eleValidClass: ''
// Submit button handler
const submitButton = document.getElementById('kt_docs_formvalidation_daterangepicker_submit');
submitButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// Prevent default button action
// Validate form before submit
if (validator) {
validator.validate().then(function (status) {
if (status == 'Valid') {
// Show loading indication
submitButton.setAttribute('data-kt-indicator', 'on');
// Disable button to avoid multiple click
submitButton.disabled = true;
// Simulate form submission. For more info check the plugin's official documentation:
setTimeout(function () {
// Remove loading indication
// Enable button
submitButton.disabled = false;
// Show popup confirmation{
text: "Form has been successfully submitted!",
icon: "success",
buttonsStyling: false,
confirmButtonText: "Ok, got it!",
customClass: {
confirmButton: "btn btn-primary"
//form.submit(); // Submit form
}, 2000);
<form id="kt_docs_formvalidation_daterangepicker" class="form" action="#" autocomplete="off">
<!--begin::Input group-->
<div class="fv-row mb-10">
<label class="required fw-semibold fs-6 mb-2">Date Range Picker Input</label>
<input class="form-control form-control-solid" name="daterangepicker_input" placeholder="Pick date range" id="kt_daterangepicker" />
<!--end::Input group-->
<button id="kt_docs_formvalidation_daterangepicker_submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
<span class="indicator-label">
Validation Form
<span class="indicator-progress">
Please wait... <span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm align-middle ms-2"></span>
// Define form element
const form = document.getElementById('kt_docs_formvalidation_select2');
// Init form validation rules. For more info check the FormValidation plugin's official documentation:
var validator = FormValidation.formValidation(
fields: {
'select2_input': {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'Select2 input is required'
plugins: {
trigger: new FormValidation.plugins.Trigger(),
bootstrap: new FormValidation.plugins.Bootstrap5({
rowSelector: '.fv-row',
eleInvalidClass: '',
eleValidClass: ''
// Revalidate Select2 input. For more info, plase visit the official plugin site:
$(form.querySelector('[name="select2_input"]')).on('change', function () {
// Revalidate the field when an option is chosen
// Submit button handler
const submitButton = document.getElementById('kt_docs_formvalidation_select2_submit');
submitButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// Prevent default button action
// Validate form before submit
if (validator) {
validator.validate().then(function (status) {
if (status == 'Valid') {
// Show loading indication
submitButton.setAttribute('data-kt-indicator', 'on');
// Disable button to avoid multiple click
submitButton.disabled = true;
// Simulate form submission. For more info check the plugin's official documentation:
setTimeout(function () {
// Remove loading indication
// Enable button
submitButton.disabled = false;
// Show popup confirmation{
text: "Form has been successfully submitted!",
icon: "success",
buttonsStyling: false,
confirmButtonText: "Ok, got it!",
customClass: {
confirmButton: "btn btn-primary"
//form.submit(); // Submit form
}, 2000);
<form id="kt_docs_formvalidation_select2" class="form" action="#" autocomplete="off">
<!--begin::Input group--->
<div class="fv-row mb-10">
<label class="required form-label fs-6 mb-2">Select2 Input</label>
<select class="form-select" name="select2_input" data-control="select2" data-placeholder="Select an option">
<option value="1">Option 1</option>
<option value="2">Option 2</option>
<option value="3">Option 3</option>
<option value="4">Option 4</option>
<!--end::Input group--->
<button id="kt_docs_formvalidation_select2_submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
<span class="indicator-label">
Validation Form
<span class="indicator-progress">
Please wait... <span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm align-middle ms-2"></span>
// Define form element
const form = document.getElementById('kt_docs_formvalidation_tagify');
// Init tagify --- for more info, please visit:
var tags = new Tagify(document.querySelector("#kt_tagify"), {
whitelist: ["Tag 1", "Tag 2", "Tag 3", "Tag 4", "Tag 5", "Tag 6", "Tag 7", "Tag 8", "Tag 9", "Tag 10", "Tag 11", "Tag 12"],
maxTags: 6,
dropdown: {
maxItems: 20, // <- mixumum allowed rendered suggestions
classname: "tagify__inline__suggestions", // <- custom classname for this dropdown, so it could be targeted
enabled: 0, // <- show suggestions on focus
closeOnSelect: false // <- do not hide the suggestions dropdown once an item has been selected
tags.on("change", function(){
// Revalidate the field when an option is chosen
// Init form validation rules. For more info check the FormValidation plugin's official documentation:
var validator = FormValidation.formValidation(
fields: {
'tagify_input': {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'Tagify input is required'
plugins: {
trigger: new FormValidation.plugins.Trigger(),
bootstrap: new FormValidation.plugins.Bootstrap5({
rowSelector: '.fv-row',
eleInvalidClass: '',
eleValidClass: ''
// Submit button handler
const submitButton = document.getElementById('kt_docs_formvalidation_tagify_submit');
submitButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// Prevent default button action
// Validate form before submit
if (validator) {
validator.validate().then(function (status) {
if (status == 'Valid') {
// Show loading indication
submitButton.setAttribute('data-kt-indicator', 'on');
// Disable button to avoid multiple click
submitButton.disabled = true;
// Simulate form submission. For more info check the plugin's official documentation:
setTimeout(function () {
// Remove loading indication
// Enable button
submitButton.disabled = false;
// Show popup confirmation{
text: "Form has been successfully submitted!",
icon: "success",
buttonsStyling: false,
confirmButtonText: "Ok, got it!",
customClass: {
confirmButton: "btn btn-primary"
//form.submit(); // Submit form
}, 2000);
<form id="kt_docs_formvalidation_tagify" class="form" action="#" autocomplete="off">
<!--begin::Input group-->
<div class="fv-row mb-10">
<label class="required fw-semibold fs-6 mb-2">Tagify Input</label>
<input class="form-control" name="tagify_input" value="" id="kt_tagify" />
<!--end::Input group-->
<button id="kt_docs_formvalidation_tagify_submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
<span class="indicator-label">
Validation Form
<span class="indicator-progress">
Please wait... <span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm align-middle ms-2"></span>