CMS Content Management Suggestion

The general edit suggestion for the CMS content management.

Last Updated: 12/15/2023

Required Check Items

  • 1. Section title is defined as H2 (36px for PC/tablet, 26px for mobile), check below section for font size.
  • 2. Use Advantech blue as linked text or elments with hyperlink, avoid use mulitple colors to style text. Please check below section for references.
  • 3. Please remove Advantech logo from the images since the website logo is already on the same page. Please check below section for references.
  • 4. Older version of content needs to editing again with the current version of the content builder. Please check below section for references.
  • 5. Please avoid use special symbol on the page title or section title. Please check below section for references.
  • 6. Please avoid using multimple main images that would inceasing the overall height. Please check below section for references.
  • 7. Text only block's width should be set to 820px and aligned in the center. Please check below section for references.
  • 8. Please avoid duplicate block title which will mention in the below section
Last Updated: 07/20/2023

Font size guidelines

The font size is already set up in CMS platfrom. Please follow the font size hierarchy and use the corresponding HTML tag. Please do not put a unique style to a single HTML element.

Responsive image

Section Title (H2):36PX / Bold

Responsive image

Section Sub Title (H3):18PX / Bold

Responsive image

Main Paragraph (P):16PX

Responsive image

Bullet point (li):14PX


Content styling

Use Advantech blue as linked text or elments with hyperlink, avoid use mulitple colors to style text.

Bad Example

Adjust the content color. Advantech blue only for the HTML links.

Good Example

Use bold text to highlight the main point of the content.

Bad Example

Use the outsourced images and have Advantech logo on it

Good Example

Please remove Advantech logo from the images since the website logo is already on the same page.


Component Editability

Older version of component would display normally on the webpage, but unable to modified without rebuild the content with new version of component.

Bad Example

Edit area can't add on new component.

Good Example

Rebuild the content again with the new version of the component is suggested.

Bad Example

old version of the cards display abnormally.

Good Example

Rebuild the content again with the new version of the component is suggested.

Bad Example

If you install grammary on your browser, it would add source code in the HTML

Good Example

Turn the grammry off before you start editing


Layout suggestion

On a website with a width of 1600px, the maximum image width is 1200px. Please ensure that the image has sufficient pixel resolution.


The webpage size becomes a maximum width of 1600 pixels. Please use more than three cards for each section.

Bad Example

Putting two cards in one section would make the image area too big.

Good Example

Put three to four cards in one section.

Bad Example

Putting two cards in one section would make the image area too big.

Good Example

Use horizontal cards instead of the vertical card.

Bad Example

Please avoid use multiple column for long text content. The word break makes it difficult to read.

Good Example

Use horizontal cards instead of the vertical card.

Bad Example

Please avoid using space tab to create blank space, which would caused elements display unblanced.

Good Example

Keep the module's original settings which the margin or padding is preset

Bad Example

Please avoid increasing the font size without blance the content display.

Good Example

Please set the proper font size

Bad Example

Please avoid use special symbol on the page title.

Good Example

Use proper symble to display propler when it aslo appear in the breadcrumb.

Bad Example

Please avoid use special symbol on the section title which would caused the left side quick select menu display inappropriate.

Good Example

Keep section title in a simple and appropriate way.

Bad Example

Please avoid using multimple main images that would in ceasing the overall height of the extended product contents

Good Example

Please keep the reading pace short that would help user focus on the targeted content

Good Example

Please avoid using multiple titles that might cause reading confusing

Bad Example

Only content title is simple and easy to understand


Text only block

Text only block's width should be set to 820px and aligned in the center.



Margins between content blocks should be 40px
Learn how to add a blank in CMS platform. Click here
